Friday, February 5, 2010

How to Create XSD Schema for Rowset Type Data Source in PeopleSoft. (XMPL Publisher)

PeopleSoft provide an application package which can be used to create XSD and sample xml file. The application package name is PSXP_XMLGEN. You can also create XSD manually. Once you create the XSD you can upload it to your data source.

Below are the Steps to create a XSD for Rowset Type Data Source and sample code.
1. Create an Application Engine Program and Insert a PeopleCode Step into it.
Write PeopleCode to Perform below steps.
a. Import Application Package
b. Create Rowset
c. Populate Data to Rowset
d. Create XSD
e. Create Sample XML file with data

Sample Code. Replace File Path and File name accordingly.

import PSXP_XMLGEN:*;

Local Rowset &Rowset_XMLP;

/* Create Rowset */
&Rowset_XMLP = CreateRowset(Record.);

/* Fill rowset */

/* Create XSD */
&ObjRowsetXSD = create psxp_xmlgen:RowSetDS();
&XSDSchema = & ObjRowsetXSD.GetXSDSchema(&Rowset_XMLP);

/* Write you schema into an output file so that you can upload it to the Data Source */
&XSDFile = GetFile("File_Path\File_Name.xsd", "W", %FilePath_Absolute);
& XSDFile.WriteLine(&XSDSchema);
& XSDFile.Close();

/* Create Sample XML File */

&ObjRowsetXSD = create psxp_xmlgen:RowSetDS();
&XMLFile = &ObjRowsetXSD.getXMLData(&Rowset_XMLP, "(File_Path\File_Name of XSD)”;

&SampleXMLFile = GetFile("File_Path\File_Name.xml", "W", %FilePath_Absolute);
& SampleXMLFile.WriteLine(&XMLFile);
& SampleXMLFile.Close();

Friday, January 8, 2010

How to Build PeopleSoft Portal Registry Search Index.

Navigate to: PeopleTools > Portal > Build Registry Search Index

Create a New Run Control ID = BUILD_SRCH_INDEX

Select all installed Languages and confirm that the base language is listed.

Click on Run Button

Select Process name PORTAL_INDEX.

Select OK

Go to Process Monitor a verify job is completed successfully.

Once the job is posted successful verify files are created in below navigation.
PS_HOME of your Process Scheduler server: Go to PS_HOME\data\search\Employee\{dbname}\ENG (assuming it is English) other languages will appear in their own folders if they exist). In this directory, look for below files and folders.

All should be well if the above files exist and there are no errors.

Logout and login again and search anything on the search box.

It should work now!!