This below table list the various PeopleSoft Object type and it corresponding Mater record table.
Object ID | Object Type | Record Name |
0 | Record | PSRECDEFN |
1 | Indexes | PSKEYDEFN |
2 | Fields | PSDBFIELD |
3 | Field Formats | PSFMTDEFN |
4 | Translates | PSXLATITEM |
5 | Pages | PSPNLDEFN |
6 | Menus | PSMENUDEFN |
7 | Components | PSPNLGRPDEFN |
8 | Record PeopleCode | PSPCMPROG |
9 | Menu PeopleCode | PSPCMPROG |
10 | Queries | PSQRYDEFN |
11 | Tree Structures | PSTREESTRCT |
12 | Trees | PSTREEDEFN |
13 | Access Groups | PS_ACCESS_GRP_TBL |
14 | Colours | PSCOLORDEFN |
15 | Styles | PSSTYLEDEFN |
17 | Business Processes | PSBUSPROCDEFN |
18 | Activities | PSACTIVITYDEFN |
19 | Roles | PSROLEDEFN |
20 | Process Definitions | PRCSDEFN |
21 | Server Definitions | PS_SERVERDEFN |
22 | Process Type Definitions | PS_PRCSTYPEDEFN |
23 | Job Definitions | PS_PRCSJOBDEFN |
24 | Recurrence Definitions | PS_PRCSRECUR |
25 | Message Catalog Entries | PSMSGCATDEFN |
26 | Dimension Definition | PS_DIMENSION |
27 | Cube Definition | TO_Find |
28 | Cube Instance Definition | TO_Find |
29 | Business Interlink | PSIODEFN |
31 | File Layout Definitions | PSFLDDEFN |
32 | Component Interfaces | PSBCDEFN |
33 | Application Engine Programs | PSAEAPPLDEFN |
34 | Application Engine Sections | PSAESECTDEFN |
35 | Message Nodes | PSMSGNODEDEFN |
36 | Message Channels | PSMSGCATDEFN |
37 | Message Definitions | PSMSGDEFN |
38 | Approval Rule Set | APPR_RULE_HDR |
39 | Message PeopleCode | PSPCMPROG |
40 | Subscription PeopleCode | PSPCMPROG |
42 | Comp. Interface PeopleCode | PSPCMPROG |
43 | Application Engine PeopleCode | PSPCMPROG |
44 | Page PeopleCode | PSPCMPROG |
46 | Component PeopleCode | PSPCMPROG |
47 | Component Record PeopleCode | PSPCMPROG |
48 | Component Rec Fld PeopleCode | PSPCMPROG |
49 | Images | PSCONTDEFN |
52 | File References | PSFILEREDEFN |
53 | Permission Lists | PSCLASSDEFN |
54 | Portal Registry Definitions | TO_Find |
55 | Portal Registry Structures | PSPRSMDEFN |
56 | URL Definitions | PSURLDEFN |
57 | Application Packages | PSPACKAGEDEFN |
58 | Application Package PeopleCode | PSPCMPROG |
60 | Analytic Types | TO_Find |
62 | XSLT | TO_Find |
64 | Mobile Pages | PSMPDEFN |
68 | File References | PSFILEREDEFN |
69 | File Type Codes | PSTYPECODEDEFN |
72 | Dignostic Plug Ins | TO_Find |
73 | Analytic Models | TO_Find |
79 | Service | PSSERVICE |
80 | Service Operation | PSOPERATION |
81 | Service Operation Handler | PSOPRHDLR |
82 | Service Operation Version | PSOPRVERDFN |
83 | Service Operation Routing | SIBRTNGDEFN |
84 | IB Queues | SIBQUEUEINST |
85 | XLMP Template Definition | |
86 | XLMP Report Definition | |
87 | XMLP File Definition | |
88 | XMPL Data Source Definition |